Sunday, June 15, 2008



Q1. Regarding dose area product , the following are true –
a. The units are mSv/cm2
b. Depends on the distance to the tube
c. Is independent of the geometry of the exposed part
d. Measured with TLD attached to the exposed part
e. Depends on the output of tube

Q2. The following are true about Geiger Muller counter –
a. Contains gas at high pressure
b. Cannot detect beta particles
c. Suitable for monitoring rate and dose
d. Can differentiate between different types of radiation
e. Operated at voltages in the plateau region

Q3. Regarding usual doses in radiology examinations, the following are true –
a. Effective dose of a barium enema is 3 mSv
b. Effective dose of a CT chest is equal to 100 chest PA radiograph
c. Effective dose of a gallium scan is 10 mSv
d. Surface entrance dose in a pelvis AP view is 10 m Gy
e. Effective dose of a bone scan is 4 mSv

Q4. Regarding IRR 1999, the following are true –
a. A person under 18 years may be designated as a classified person if need rises
b. An employer may cease to treat an employee as a classified person if required by the appointed doctor/ employment medical advisor
c. Persons who have received an overexposure but are not classified workers don’t undergo medical surveillance
d. In case of a radiation accident, dosimetry records are kept for a period of minimum 2 years
e. In case of significant contamination from a radionuclide spill, the employer should inform the radiation protection advisor

Q 5. The following are true regarding tissue weighting factors –
a. gonads – 0.20
b. liver – 0.12
c. skin - 0.12
d. breast – 0.05
e. thyroid – 0.05

Q6. Regarding the duty of an employee, the following statements are correct
a. wearing personal protective equipment
b. informing the HSE in case of overexposure to self
c. informing the employer in writing if pregnant or breastfeeding
d. providing instruction to other employees who receive emergency exposures
e. preparation of an emergency plan

Q7. Regarding duties of an employer
a. the employer prepares and reviews emergency plans
b. supervises all warning devices
c. provides personal protective equipment to employees
d. keeps dosimetry records of classified employees for 50 years
e. routinely measures doses received by patients undergoing radiological examinations

Q8. Regarding personal dosimeters
a. The film in a film badge is of the same size as a dental film
b. Film badge cannot differentiate between different types of radiation
c. TLD badge can be used to monitor finger doses
d. Electronic dosemeters can be read immediately
e. Film badges are calibrated using using xrays

Q9. Which of the following are correct –
a. Local rules are legal documents
b. The controlled area around a mobile xray unit extends for 2 metres around the unit
c. Most radiologists working in interventional radiology are classified workers
d. All classified workers have a radiation passbook
e. ARSAC certificate mentions the procedures that the holder can direct

Q10. Regarding personal dosemeters –
a. Electronic dosemeters(EPD) have a linear response from low to high energy radiation
b. EPDs provide a permanent record
c. EPD uses a single silicon photodiode
d. Cadmium filters in film badges identify slow neutrons
e. Intense blackening in film badge indicates radioactive spill


Ans 1-
a. F – cGy/cm2
b. F
c. T
d. F – air ionization chamber mounted onto exit window of xray tube
e. T

Ans 2 –
a. F, argon at low pressure
b. F
c. F
d. F
e. T

Ans 3 –
a. F, 8 mSv
b. F
c. F, 18 mSv
d. T
e. T

Ans 4 –
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. F, 50 yrs
e. F, executive

Ans 5 –
a. T
b. F –0.05
c. F – 0.01
d. T
e. T

Ans 6.
a. T
b. F, employer
c. T
d. F
e. F

Ans 7.
a. T
b. F, employer provides, RPS supervises
c. T
d. F
e. F

Ans 8.
a. T
b. T
c. T
d. T
e.F, calibrated using gamma rays

Ans 9.
a. T
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. T

a. T
b. F
c. F, two
d. T
e. T

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